I have looked at pictures of the highest mountains in all of the world.

At last, my dream has come true. Ifll leave for NELPAL on January first.

I reserved two tickets for POKHRA in NEPAL but I wonft join in a tour for the first timeA

so I have considerable anxiety because my English is not so good.

First of January

A Japanese woman was in the next seat to me. She was taking a flight from Narita to Karachi in Pakistan. She met her husband in Japan 10 years ago and they got married.

They had a wedding ceremony for 3 days. He is the oldest child, so they went back to Karachi 4 years ago.

She said ,hCome and get me at the airport 30 relatives were waiting for me.h A woman doesnft go out by herself, according to their religion. I couldnft live there.


Second of January

I transferred in BNGKOK for KATHMANDU

A Japanese man was in the window seat to my right on the plane. He was going trekking alone for 12 days.

When I saw the mountains, I was excited. It looked cloudy when I changed to take the domestic airline from KATHMANDU to POKARA.

I was in a panic, so I forgot the time difference (one hour and 15 minutes).

When we arrived in POKARA, there was a blackout.

We were invited to dinner by the hotel owner but I didnft like NEPALESE cuisine.


Third of January

@@@@We rented bikes, took a tour of POKARA City.

Just in the middle of the road asphalt paving, I felt cycling was very dangerous.

There were cars, bikes. rickshaws, cows, dogs.

 The mountains were very beautiful.

 I got hotel staff to repair our dripping faucet. At that time, he told me a Japanese

man has been staying for 21 days in the room across from ours. We visited him to greet him and listened to him for 2 hours or more about NEPAL over a cup of tea. He was a linguistics professor.


Fourth of January

We got to SARANGKOT hillside. It took twenty minutes by car and we took time to climb from there to the hilltop.

Two young men came and followed us, talking all the way. Finally , we paid them.

We negotiated with 3 hotels. The first one, had a hot shower and an outdoor lavatory(1000rs). The second one, had a cold shower and an outdoor lavatory(200rs). The third one, had a cold shower and a comfort lavatory(250rs). We decided on the third hotel. There was a sign saying g Please, water-saving for man-powered.h

We put our backpacks at the hotel and we went to a scenic outlook. We saw an impressive view from here.

There was a blackout again. We wore more layers of clothing for the cold and went to bed.


Fifth of January

We went out early morning to see the mountains in the morning sun. I couldnft have words to describe it.

There was a Japanese man there. He was traveling alone. He had come from India on a bus.

 After breakfast, we went down from SARANGKOT hill to PHEWA LAKE with guides.

We took 2 hours 30 minutes. It was an hour more than usual. We passed women who were carrying some water on the way to PHEWA LAKE. The guide told me the water place was a long distance from here to the hotel. I thought it was heavy work.

 We had dinner at a restaurant where a man talked to us in good Japanese. He saidh I teach YOGA so, would you like to do YOGA?h The price was expensive ,so we had a discussion and reached an arrangement. It was 600 rs for two people.

Sixth of January

The Yoga teacher came for us at seven at the hotel.

We posed a plane, a tiger etc. for an hour. Afterward , we bought a handmade embroidery handbag , scarves etc.

When I came back to the hotel, I bought a cotton candy so some kids looked at me and bought some bread when a dog followed me. ‚h was puzzled.

 Wefll go to KATHMANDU tomorrow so we visited the Japanese man across from our room. We were surprised because he was injured. When he was riding a bike, he had a car accident. I gave him some antibiotics and poultices.

 At night, I took a call from the hotel ownerfs wife. She said g Please visit my room.h  We talked up about each others ages and I was presented with a bracelet from her and then she said gwould you introduce my sister to a Japanese man?h


Seventh of January

The hotel owner dropped us off at the airport by car at 8:30. I heard that domestic airlines have many troubles but we got on the plane on time and we fastened our seat belts. At that time, a flight attendant came and she explained in English. I think something happened. I caught two words, hOut of order, Two hours.h We sat near the door in the lounge. We left KATHMANDU an hour and fifty minutes late on another plane. We got some cotton to use as ear plugs and@candies. When I saw mountains below the plane, my eyes were tearing. I wonft

see them again.

 I was surprised to see a bus at the airport with windows without glass and broken seats.

We took a taxi to the TIBET GUEST HOUSE. We looked at the room and decided to stay 3 nights at ten dollars a night. 


Eighth of January

After breakfast, we went to SWAYAMBHUNATH. There were many monkeys there.

A Nepalese talked to us in Japanese. He used to buy and sell cars 4 years ago in Japan. I thought he succeed in business because he looked rich.

When we walked back to the hotel, a pan fell from the second floor window.

Perhaps, it was a husband and wife quarrel. We were surprised.

In the afternoon, we went to BOUDHANATH. It is a holy place for Tibetan Buddhism. Many Tibetans walked round the pagoda clockwise.


Ninth of January

We had rest and relaxation for the morning in the hotel.

We as usual took a taxi and went to PATAN. The taxi was always waiting in front of the hotel. PATAN is an ancient capital. There were many pictures of heaven and hell and beautiful sculptures in the old temple.

I saw one traffic light in front of the royal palace.

We got to know a man in POKARA city who called me. He said, hMy injury is better by and by but I have a mild fever but donft worry.h I was relieved to hear this. He said again, gThere was a public utility strike. g I thought the country was politically unstable.


Tenth of January

In the airport, there were many children. They touched my baggage for tips. We tipped the boy, out of need.

We were patted down 3 times before getting on the airplane. Why didnft they make announcements of it in the waiting room of the airport? A westerner asked me g Does this line go to BANGKOK? g I thought g Donft ask me any questions because I can et understand.h 

‚h was relieved when got in the THAILAND symbol plane. Good-bye NEPAL.

We had a layover of 4 hours in BANGKOK. It was too cold there.


Eleventh of January

We arrived at seven at NARITA airport. It was very cold.



The HIMALAYAN mountains have been described as the roof of the world. I had wanted to see the mountains. I heard from a co-worker that she had visited NEPAL and I decided to go to it.

We were exhausted because of tension, fears and culture shock.

We met many Nepalese and kind Japanese. There was very weather and saw longing mountains. It was a memorable trip. Also, I realized the Japanese good points : clean lavatory, safe water and transport facilities.